Sunday, December 17, 2006

48 Hours and Counting . . .

I received a phone call this morning. Kristina has the chicken pox. I am sad for her and wish she was here so that we could comfort her. But I am also swimming in a pity pool over the prospect of not having her for the holiday. Dr R. called to see if we still wanted her to come if the doctor gives her clearance to travel. Of course we wanted her to come. The children have all had the chicken pox vaccine. I would rather have her tucked into bed recovering here than have her languish in the orphange's infirmary wondering what Christmas would have been like. Please pray that God's will will be done in this situation. Pray that if she travels that God will give her comfort and strength for the journey over. Pray that if she does not come that God will give her joy and hope in the absence of her almost family this season. At this point we wait for the phone call. . .

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