See, you should never make promises. I said I would update more often and well, I didn't. So I thought I'd give you a quick update on a favorite pastime we've been indulging in once again. Those of you who know us know we're a fishing family. Robert is a country boy, born and raised hunting and fishing in the woods of Mississippi. We introduced Kristina to fishing during the summer of 2006. The first time Robert rattled the poles and set out the tackle box a few weeks ago, she was on his heels. There's a charming little fishing hole in biking distance from the house. The shaded platform looks out over a lily pad speckled lake. The fish bite almost as soon as the hook hits the water. Even if they're small and Robert has to throw them back, the kids still get wound up just from the tug on the line. The boys have learned how to scale and clean their catch while the girls squeal in disgust. While I don't eat them, I do love to catch them (the one pictured at the top is MY catch!)
This past weekend, we ventured down the road to one of the state parks and tried our luck off the pier. Not much was biting, but before long we had a crowd of kids watching the seven of us casting into the dark waters. Robert noticed their intent interest and before I knew it had them lined up to try their hand at fishing. One of the moms walked over and commented on how good Robert is with children. She wanted to know if he was a teacher. I told her that with five children, I guess in a way he is.
We're continuing to be blessed by God in so many areas of our lives. Things aren't perfect (a post is coming on that soon enough), but we wouldn't want things any other way.
It seems that one runs out of time when we get home. I know things become busy...sometimes I wonder what interesting things is what we live, family is what God has given us to get through!
Keep in touch, call us if you want the girls to chat. Settling into a routine with a soon to be teenager is going to be a trip ;)
I missed you! It's crazy getting back into the daily grind of life. I'm glad you have this hobby to de-stress every so often. (Although, I couldn't clean them or eat them. UGH).
My theme song for you is Sara Groves' "Love is Still a Worthy Cause." All you do is for love, because you've been loved first. Y'all are awesome!
I thought you were ice fishing and then I saw you were all dressed for the summer! :P
Not fair we are in ice, snow and coats!
Thanks for sharing the fishing moments and pictures. Our families seem so much alike. It will be nice to get together one day.
Kristina looks like she has gotten a lot taller. :)
It's great to see things progressing. I must say that Kristina always has a ready smile in the pictures. Thanks for the updates and look forward to reading more about the progress as you can get them done.
I laughed at the minibike pictures. The helmet is so large that I'm amazed she could even see where she was going. Then again, you didn't say that she could see either :).
Hi Leslie,
I agree, we get real busy when we get home. I just wanted to say "HI". I am glad things are going well for you and the family.
We are doing pretty good. I think you are doing a great job with the blog.
Keep in touch,
Jeri Roberson
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